01/04/2019 VT All Turtles in Turtle Evolution All Turtles in Turtle Evolution Danh sách tất cả con rùa trong Rùa Tiến Hóa – Turtle Evolution. A product of Tapps Games. Ice Hatchling 1 m Aww so cute that it does not even need to smile at you but yout smile at it anyways. Sturtle 2 m A student turtle that just wants to go to school but can’t because of the whole take-over-the-world thing. Squurtle 3,5 m A square turtle with square legs and square face. The horns are not square though. Cakeshell 5 m This yummy-looking turtle is actually very poisonous and tastes really bad. Fashortoise 8 m The mutant that puts fashion and form before function or war. Peace. Turlost 15 m A long-lost link between the old turtles and the dinosaurs came back to life after the mutations happened. Continent UTO 150 m Unidentified Turtle Objects are actually live mutants in disguise so they can scout the humans. Shelleye 270 m This turtle spawned an eye on the shell to look out for incoming plumbers stomping on them. Sandle 400 m Some giant mutants made a giant sand castle on the back of a massive turtle while it took a nap. Parturtle 777 m This mutant parties all day and night showing off its diverse horns to itself. Turtlesapiens 890 m The true revolution of turtles, the only one not afraid to lay on its back. Minoturtle 1 km A mix between a minotaur, a turtle, a dragon, two snakes and a lot of aggression. World Shyrtle 13 km Always in three, these shy mutants hide behind a shell and wait patiently for people to go away. Conquertoise 18 km This mutant servant takes motherbase everywhere, while the turtles take everyone by storm. Ourobortle 25 km TA huge fan of Ouroboros, this turtle took the concept a bit too far. Senturtle 50 km Always vigilant, this sentinel turtle sleeps all day anyway. Threertle 64 km Three brothers who inherited a single home and are fighting over it ever since. Experimentle 99 km This is actually a synthetic experiment awkwardly put together by the turtles. Fake Snurtle 0,5 m The only difference between a snail and a turtle is the size. Right? Hypno Snurtle 7 m This Snurtle will hypnotize evryone into believing it is a proper turtle. Beware. Turtlime 20 km A slimy snail with a long neck and a rounder shell is ALMOST a perfect turtle. Universe Stompturtle 1000 km The god of all turtles dominated the art of perfectly aligning both feet, so now it can stomp over anything, anytime, anywhere, everywhere at the same time. Pantheon Sixtle 160 000 km A Titan of fast-moving illusions, it uses six tails as both distractions and complex rune-drawing extensions. Metalheadoise 100 000 km Playing air guitar during an invasion and not losing a battle is no easy feat, but this titan manages it every time. Flamingbomb 100 000 km The shell on this titan turtle is filled with infinite combustible, and it can ise it as a flamethrower while hiding behind a sturdy shell shield. Impossiturtle 205 000 km A very, very, very fast-moving turtle. Yes, it really exists. Only this one though. Ancienturtle 300 000 km This titan has been thinking and pondering so hard and talking so long that already a new galaxy is starting to from around him. Fierytoise 287 000 km A magical wizard titan, that harnesses the fire of the stars and dances ballet all at once. The shell is for aesthetics only. Mars Land UFOrtle 1 m Actually a small UFO with a fake turtle head attached to it. Cleantle 1,7 m The other aliens grab this turtle conveniently by the stick on its shell and use it as a cleaning brush. Rockoise 2 m A mutant alien tortoise with a rocky carapace is the most sturdy line of defense or the invaders. Supplyrtle 2,5 m A very slim alien turtle carrying a huge sack of army goods on its back. Turtlaser 4 m The kind eyes are actually the aimingdevices that direct the laser from the three destructive laser weapons on top of this alien machine. Shytle 5,7 m This alien lost one of the five horns in a battle and covers it in shame. Mars World Kimonalien 190 m An alien wearing a kimono inside a giant bturtle of noodles. Nobody can tell what it the hidden power in this creature. Hungralien 280 m Double the heads to feed? No problem when feature a giant mouth on the top of your alien shell. Satellien 350 m An army satellite or biting Earth actully collided with this alien turtle, and it decided it wanted to carry it along for the ride. Jokertoise 400 m The original head on this alien is almost dying of sadness because of all the bad mutant jokes it has to hear from the other two. Shellpower 580 m The most daring of all alien turtle, it decided to ditch the head in favor of a stronger, more imposing shell. Mothertle 640 m A live, active mothership. The brains of the whole alien civilization. All other aliens fit in it and there’s plenty of free room to spare.