All Platypuses in Platypus Evolution

All Platypuses in Platypus Evolution

Danh sách tất cả con thú mỏ vịt trong Thú Mỏ Vịt Tiến Hóa – Platypus Evolution.

A product of Tapps Games.


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30 cm

A cute baby platypus with a few bowel disorders. Favorite food: Shrimp.

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Adult Platypus

50 cm

An evolved platypus that has achieved human features, like standing upright and gossiping.

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80 cm

The Terror of the Ponds. Luckily, it still feeds on shrimp. But it might mistake humans for huge, delicious, juicy shrimps.

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1 m

Its horn has magical properties. It is said that touching it will grant your deepest wish, but always with ironic consequences.

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1,3 m

Are you a dog person or a cat person? None! Everyone is a Petipus person. As long as you don’t mind about having a one-meter high pet with loose bowels.

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2 m

A platypus that has awakened clairvoyant powers via evolution. The more open its eyes are when it stares at you, the more mind-blowing your future is. Maybe.


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100 m

People say that weirdness is all about perspective. In Billwheel’s case, you will see the same weird thing no matter where you are looking from.

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220 m

The tiny head, ‘Plit’, has objective thoughts. The bigger one, ‘Plat, is the emotional half. Plit often makes Plat cry with insensitive comments.

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300 m

A two-story being that is as tall as a hundred-story skyscraper. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to have many cool stories to tell.

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410 m

Only one of the three heads is intelligent. The other two are actually wiggling reservoirs full of water.

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500 m

Each head emmits noises in a different sound frequency, which results in an ear-piercing symphony when they communicate.

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620 m

Also known as the ‘Postmodern Art of Nature.’ It wanders the surface of the Earth in search of someone who can understand it.


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7200 m

It can run long distances with its long legs. Each step causes deadly earthquakes.

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9000 m

The most intelligent being ever conceived. Its psychic powers are strong enough to enslave entire human populations.

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11 000 m

A colossal creature that feeds on passerby airplanes, which makes it the only known living being to actually enjoy airline food.

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13 500 m

It flaps his wings 100 times per second which wouldn’t be so impressive if each wing wasn’t as big as Central Park.

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16 500 m

A single drop of its venom is strong enough to kill a blue whale instantly… or make another Platula itch a little bit.

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18 500 m

This massive being that is a living reminder that what really matters is inner beauty.


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666 km

It collects the souls of all deceased beings, and consumes them to increase it’s power. When it’s bored, Thanatipus sends plagues to Earth.

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100 000 km

It controls the balance of good and bad smells in the Universe. Plotuspus’s divine aroma can only exist thanks to billions of turds created every second.

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Sun Wuquack

108 km

It can transform into anything at will, but it can’t transform its duckbill. it can also travel to the edge of the universe before you can say “quack”.

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777 km

Has the power to intensify the love of all beings on Earth. Especially love for Prettypus.

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The King of the Seas. He commands tides to bring him all the shrimp he can eat.

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248 842 km

Known as The Hugger, this being is responsable for Earth’s rotation and translation movement as it flies around giving us a warm embrace

Mars Land

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Alien Platypus

35 cm

An abducted version of a Platypus. The thick green fur is a symbol of youth in alien tales.

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90 cm

Despite its dull appearance it can translate martian into any language or signal. A useful ally when aliens order pizza from light years away.

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1,1 m

Awful creature. Licking other aliens as ice cream is its favourite hobby. It’s better not to know the taste.

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2 m

The sound it emits is a weird remix of birds, reptiles, mammals and aliens. Gotta find a producer with such talent.

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6,5 m

It can melt its self into liquid and go into the deepest places you can imagine.

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13 m

The smaller head is attached to the alien’s butt. It yells ‘QUACK!’ in a different tone when the alien poops.

Mars World

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55 m

It breathes the atmosphere of Mars to make new deadly gases when it farts.

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105 m

The amount of eyes owned by this creature is countless. Tales say you not look directly t them or you’ll be cursed with a yellow duck mouth forever.

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145 m

Whatever touches its red tails will be toasted. It can cast fire from the but and turn its antennas into candles.

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190 m

Actually it has only one head. The extra head is an illusion to trick enemies and curious people who like to read these notes.

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230 m

Don’t even think of disturbing it. Its pair of tails is able to rotate in such speeds that can create black holes.

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285 m

Powerful and furless. An ambitious alien with enough skills to conquer the entire galaxy. However, it has a weekness for shiny diamonds.

Pluto Land

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80 cm

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1,5 m

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4 m

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9 m

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17 m

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