All Octopuses in Octopus Evolution
Danh sách tất cả con bạch tuột trong Bạch Tuột Tiến Hóa – Octopus Evolution.
A product of Tapps Games.

2 m
Octopus is a curious sea creature, you need to watch out while you’re diving. It can pull off your mask!

3,5 m
This trick creature loves to take swimmers shorts off with its horn as a hobby. But is also ecologically correct by eating the garbage tossed into the seas.

5 m
Full of anger and short temper. This octopus dreams of conquering the sea and spends the whole day planning it.

Davy Juan
8 m
Bastard son of a famous dutch pirate. This pleasant creature is working at a warehouse, and collects golden teeth from dead pirates for its own mouth.

15 m
This octopus loves to whistle, but what others really love are the bubbles it makes. Some say that you can hear a melody once the bubbles emerge from the water!
Deep Sea

Mantle Ray
150 m
This octopus hates itself and is ashamed of its horns. Besides changing its name, it is constantly trying to camouflage its horns.

270 m
Prankish one. It mimics the singing of birds, tricking pirates into hetting lost instead of finding a new land.

777 m
Tentashine is a professional tentacle cleaner. Other octopus visit Tentashine to satisfly their beauty needs.

Inky Nimahj
890 m
This octopus has nearly another being living below. It frequently seduces a great amount of males and even humans (sometimes).

Octurne Teller
1 km
The Fortune teller of the seas, it can foresee soccer games results and the future of the humanity. Once it got caught, and was forces to tell the 2010 world cup result.

13 km
Its produces a charmed and shiny in that makes all octopuses fall in love with her. The real proof that what matters is on the outside.

18 km
This narcissist octopus is addicted to Ink Protein. It’s the underwater champion of tentacle wrestling!

25 km
This terrible weird looking creature uses its middle eye to hypnotize other beings. Once it’s done, it eats it, fusing the victim’s body to its own. Watch out while diving!

50 km
Inker has a unique music taste among octopuses. It is known as a great ink artist and an amzing drummer.

64 km
Eckotopus is the most disgusting and ugly octopus in the sea. It eats every single piece of trash it encounters, causing its poop to be so powerful it causes tsunamis.

99 km
Why do you need solar light if Neonctron is out? As a psychedelic coral painter and DJ, Neonctron brings epic parties to life in the depths of the sea.

0,5 m
A jealous… or… jellyous creature who lives in the shadows among the octopuses. Its hobby is to trick humans.

7 m
Despite the horns, they rescue octopuses that get stuck into something, like masks, cans or even boats.


1000 km
Named itself as the God of Underwater Life. It decides whether darkness shall fall upon those who deserve and can also recreate the universe.

160 000 km
Tales say it is the Protector of the Sea Corals. It developed poisons within corals to help octopuses overcome their deadly enemies like whales and giant sharks.

100 000 km
It’s so enchanting that even those who cannot see will fall in love. Known as the Deity of Beauty, it’s the symbol of gracious moves and octopus reproduction.

100 000 km
The Master of Disguise, creator of octopuses evasive skill and camouflage capacity. Once it tried to shapeshift into a whale and got stuck in that body.

205 000 km
Its brain runs 8x faster than any other living creature. It’s responsible for the superiority of octopuses upon humans.

300 000 km
Valkusk’s songs inspires the most magical and famous pirate tales. It loves to seduce humans…and you thought that singing mermaids were the ones, right?

287 000 km
Builted itself with scrap metal from planes, submarines and some parts from Titanic. Rumors has it uses electromagnetic pulses to play with airplanes.
Mars Land

1,7 m
Cuteness doesn’t last for long. As soon as they grow up they get boring and awkward.

2 m
Octesla became the main electric resource of Mars due to its electrostatic horns. Once it gets angry, a highly voltage ray occurs between their horns.

2,5 m
This brute and selfish octopus only desires to over come others. They use their big horns while fighting to destroy enemies and everything around them.

4 m
Its hobby was to take selfies, but a west wind from Mars paralized its face while doing it. At least now, it can take cool pictures to post on Marstagram.

5,7 m
Its long nose can reach the deepest soils on Mars when searching for food. Sometimes when it sneezes, it renders saxphon notes, making martians fell jazzy.
Mars World

190 m
This octopus captures sunlight and transforms it into air freshener. An alien that everyone would like to have in their car or bathroom.

280 m
This theater admirator loves to act in martian plays. It spends almost the entire day arguing “to be or not to be” with its puppet.

350 m
There’s only one thing that this octopus loves more than headbanging… Listening to Earth’s metal music while doing it.

400 m
Tentaclum holds Mars’ tentacle size record. It also has a hard time living with it, as its tentacles usually make it stumble.

580 m
A famous Martian acapella singer. Rumors go one of its mouth does the backing vocals and the other sings with a human voice… or a mermaid’s one.

640 m
An evolved, antisocial and superior creature. It created a popular game with lights and noises back in the 80’s. Although, it could kill any creature at a glance.
Keep going. I like this Evolution series