All Cows in Cow Evolution
Danh sách tất cả con bò trong Bò Tiến Hóa – Cow Evolution.
A product of Tapps Games.

2,5 m
It stares deep into people’s eyes. It has been said that it can communicate through telepathy.

5,7 m
Despite its dull expression, it is super intelligent. Gives life advice to other cows.

350 m
A colossal being. A Japanese company has already purchased the rights to make a movie about it.

400 m
It lays flat on the ground pretending to be a stretch of flatland. When someone steps on it, it rises and its yellow head feasts on its prey.

580 m
It wanders the surface of the Earth unaware that it is destroying whole villages where it steps.

Dairy Daisy
640 m
Diary daisy’s are the descendants of Longcows. It drains vital energy from entire continents to look younger and gorgeous.

1000 m
A cute one-kilometer-high cow. When two Betsies meet, they communicate telepathically about world domination.

1200 m
Early depictions of mythological creatures were actually a prophecy of the arrival of the Uddra on Earth.

2000 m
Despite the three heads, Triangus has only one brain – which is distributed along its whole body.

2500 m
A cow that has attained complete knowledge of the universe. Its droppings can overwhelm entire human towns.

4500 m
The most powerful being ever conceived. A single stomp on the Earth could bring the most dreadful calamity.

11 000 km
Who is Cowtlas? The cow holding up the cow-planet? The cow-planet being held? Both? No, he’s actually the first one.

100 000 km
The pinnacle of evolution. Carries the souls, knowledge and life experiences of more than 200,000 cows.

7777 km
An ultimate being and also a Rock n’ Roll star. His divine voice makes him quite the charmer with the ladies.

123 456 km
A reminder of the cycle of life: Cows make poop, poop makes money, money makes more cows.
Mars Land

Alien Cow
0,5 m
An abducted version of a Cow. Once it was believed that its green body and glowing poops were side-effects of martian sunscreen.

Evolved Alien Cow
1,7 m
Its pair of antennas allows communication between aliens and cows. It can transmit knowledge, reports and cow-sitcoms.

2 m
It doesn’t need claws to walk in Mars. This alien cow developed strong butt moving skills.

3 m
the lack of gravity and fashion in space doesn’t change the fact that this cow uses its powers to levitate and look fabulous at the same time.

5,5 m
A dangerous cow with x-ray vision and defensive monitoring systems. It protects other cows against unknown species with acid milk shots.

9 m
Extremely worshipped alien cow. It has developed telekinetic powers to control minds and make other living beings fart if threatened.
Mars World

40 m
The smaller head is always happy and singing. Rumors say the noise it produces is similar to country songs played backwards.

70 m
Everytime its tail gets entangled a large mass of bodily fluid is produced. You’re lucky this device cannot replicate the smell.

110 m
A peculiar alien with a unique form of expression: It shakes its udders to transmit words and emotions instead of using any of its heads.

160 m
A monstrous living being that can shapeshift with ease. In herds they entertain each other by taking the shape of aliens from trash movies.

230 m
Its long digestive system works as a renewable power source. Each poop is worth millions of kilowatts on Earth.

280 m
Hyper intelligent. Fearless. Emotionless. Milkless. Prophecies say it betrays its own existence for precious shiny diamonds.
Pluto Land

1,5 m
Interstellar travel has caused cubic and pointy mutations on them. Also, cold temperatures makes their milk turn into ice cream.

2,2 m
Legend says Milkows are responsible for the best milk in the whole galaxy. They are used to produce 100% natural sweet chocolate bars.

3 m
If you think a papercut hurts, it’s better to stay away from any Origamoo. They are the pinnacle of papercraft mootation.

4 m
When they get threatened, they become fiercest protectors of the planet. If they start fighting, they turn themselves into spiky balls.

6,5 m
Watch out! Cowboom can explode easily. There’s a popular song about them in Pluto: Old MacDonald had a farm, EE-I EE-I BOOM!!

Ugly Mooly
10 m
Besides their ugliness, they are really smart and good-hearted cows. They don’t know how to communicate with others, but they are really good at Cowculus.
Pluto World

Miny Mooo
320 m
Eeny Meeny Miny Mooo, Catch this cow by the toe, If she hollers, let her go Eeny meeny miny …Run

470 m
It keeps the secret of the tastiest frozen strawberry yogurt of the galaxy. But don’t get so excited, have one spoon and your brain will freeze faster than light.

590 m
A weird conjoined twins. They are really goofy and intriguing creatures. But the deal is: How does the poop come out?

1240 m
Which ice cream flavor do you like? This cow produces all imaginable unnatural flavors of the entire galaxy. That’s why it has so many udders.

1820 m
It’s the Guardian of the Milky Way. It eats rainbows and use strobe light to trick its enemies.