All Chickens in Chicken Evolution

All Chickens in Chicken Evolution

Danh sách tất cả con gà trong Gà Tiến Hóa – Chicken Evolution.

A product of Tapps Games.


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16 cm

A peaceful cute baby chicken, isn’t it?

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55 cm

An adult chicken created by two baby chickens… That’s weird.

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80 cm

The comb replaced by horns turned this chicken a little bit aggressive. Wait, horns!?

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1 m

A greedy and evil chicken that keeps all corn for itself. “Visitors not allowed during dinner”.

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1,5 m

This hungry chicken is Cornolios’ arch enemy until they decide to share some food. I wonder if the other chickens get to eat…

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3 m

This tall chicken loves to sing! From time to time, it sings to keep other chickens aware of time. This annoying song wakes up even the laziest.


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20 m

This chicken loves horror novels. It uses its middle eye to scare the other chickens, causing them to produce more poop.

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60 m

So many feet and so many places to go, but they never come into an agreement.

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200 m

Something went wrong! Maybe this mutation came back with some jurassic genetic. These genes may have turned it into a scary chicken but…where are the wings???

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160 m

As an evolution control method, this chicken has a perfect shape to serve chicken nuggets. It looks a little bit creepy…

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580 m

Beware of those spikes! If you get a scratch from it, you may get a disease.

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640 m

This romantic chicken uses its body shape to comfort their similar. It seems that the mutation brought up swan genes!


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1000 m

Don’tmess with it. When it charges like a cannonball, those big horns will give you a headache.

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1200 m

This chicken had a hard time swallowing a crank to look like an ostrich.

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Los Gallos Parceros

2000 m

Partners, but not in crime. One head wants to open a restaurant and the other wants world domination!

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2200 m

Nothing gets in its way to become the most gorgeous chicken of the entire nation. Too bad it can’t see where it steps.

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2500 m

Some say that this epic chicken can grow new heads once they get cut. No one has ever confirmed… or survived.

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4500 m

The great warrior from the Ultimate Chicken Fight. Its glorious courage and power have never been defeated by any other chicken.


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11 000 km

Responsible for infinite corn production. Its spirit is within corn grains, making chicken poop vey precious. Once Deohako gets angry, the grains may turn into popcorn!

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100 000 km

The hen of the golden eggs itself! Or should we say golden poops? This being defines the fine line between rich and wealthy above chickens.

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7777 km

Roosler is known as the personified conscience of all chickens on Earth. He could easily command all chickens to attack humans!

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123 456 km

The ultimate being of chicken beauty. It spreads colorful patterns above all chickens with its magical wand. Before Cornixie, chickens were just black and white.

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A souless ultimate being, responsible for the first mutation and the last. It decides all the chicken’s fate between heaven and hell once they can’t poop anymore.

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248 842 km

God of loyalty and trust. Grifanon takes chickens for an epic mount between galaxies if they are good beings and mutate a lot.

Mars Land

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Alien Chick

18 cm

We’ll never know what came first: the egg or the chicken. What we do know is that for alien chicken, surely it was the egg.

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Alien Chicken

59 cm

It seems that the radiative atmosphere of Mars has caused some taints on chickens.

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84 cm

This clumsy chicken has an uncontrollable desire to lick other chickens. It’s kinda refreshing!

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1,3 m

It’s hard to stand near the smelliest chicken of the universe. Its tail produces gases that stinks, making Mars a terrible ambient to breath.

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1,8 m

The most beloved chicken on Mars. Its antennas can capture music radio signals from Earth to throw the most epic alien parties!

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3,2 m

This chicken uses its big eye underneath the head to persuades smaller chickens to work as intergalactic slaves. Don’t stare into that eye!

Mars World

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23 m

It’s said that this is the only chicken that can fly. It had to be alien, right?

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70 m

A super friendly alien! Their intergalactical hugs seems to calm anyone in need.

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230 m

A flapper dancer chicken that swings its layers of coat in a spectacular way. Cha! Cha!

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180 m

It has the perfect shape to carry lazy chickens around. Too bad it doesn’t carry humans.

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610 m

With a symetrical wattle and lush comb, this chicken has won the intergalactic beauty contest six consecutive times. Don’t ever say that near Earth Chickleader!

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680 m

One of the smartest and scariest creature of the entire universe. It usually lives alone due to its social interaction problems. Not that it cares…

Pluto Land

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1,5 m

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2,2 m

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4 m

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6,5 m

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10 m

Pluto World

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320 m

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470 m

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590 m

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780 m

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1240 m

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1820 m

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