All Goats in Goat Evolution

All Goats in Goat Evolution

Danh sách tất cả con dê trong Dê Tiến Hóa – Goat Evolution.

A product of Tapps Games.


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Baby Goat

1 m

The curtest little goat you will see in this world.

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Adult Goat

1,7 m

Produced by joining two baby goats. Wait… shouldn’t it be the other way around?

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2 m

Not even Darwin could predict this outcome. Humans are still trying to discover why it has so many horns.

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2,5 m

When it opens its third eye, no secrets are kept from it. Be careful of what you think around it.

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4 m

An ancient creature of the winter, famous by its experience and wits. Normally sad with others’ ignorance.

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Eye of Provibex

5,7 m

Capable of seeing through people’s souls. Doesn’t know the difference between Past, Present and Future.


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190 m

Two goats fell down on a furnace when young and melted into one. What is the name of the creature?

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280 m

This species hoards its herd and carries them on their back. The synonym of a homy animal.

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350 m

The mentor of all other goats. It has a deep philosophical knowledge of life and has extraordinary martial arts skills.

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400 m

The name says it all: it sits around a lot.

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580 m

A delicate and equilibrated goat. Its numerous legs didn’t keep it from practicing dance.

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640 m

Faster than a bulet and curlier than a shell. The smelliest goat of them all!


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1000 m

A winged mythical creature. Loyal and friendly.

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1200 m

Once upon a time, Fred was alone and wanted company, so it grew a friend on its belly. The End.

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2000 m

They say that the Goatwins have their mother’s eyes…

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2400 m

Tribex actually have 4 heads. Poor fourth head when it wants to sit.

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2800 m

It wanders continents looking for stuff to hug. The neediest being ever conceived.

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? m (Depends)

You dont’t want to know what it happens when its horns are cut.


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4810 m

The highest form of goat surveillance.

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42 km

Despite having the most evolved brain, it seems to have not learned how to shave.

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88 km

A legendary goat that can only communicate with palindromes.

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100 km

A branch of evolution that made it easier for goats to run marathons and climb trees.

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321 km

Frequently confused with evil beings, it in fact just like to wander around doing nothing.

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666 km

A big fat mythological creature that makes horrible noises to scare its opponents.


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10 000 km

An extremely powerful entity capable of granting wishes if correctly fed.

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8000 km

A festive deity that can stay eating and drinking for thousands of years.

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7000 km

The legend says that it can make melodies turn nito new universes.

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31 416 km

When all goats and humans die, it is prepared to start the world’s reconstruction.


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6 m

This romantic animal likes a lot to take long rides on the beach and watch the sunset.

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650 m

Sometimes likes to pretend it is a real cake. So sweet!

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Supper Goat

2611 m

The answer to all of your prayers when you are hungry.

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600 km

A goat that believes it is a fruit.

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5,3 m

“If you have to ask what Baaxophone is, you’ll never know.” – Famous Jazz Player

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650 m

This strange goat is responsible for announcing the mealtime for its herd.

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3600 m

An animal-instrument capable to create the mot earth-shattering notes.

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777 km

Their vocal chords evolved so much along the years, that they turned into metal.

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200,7 m

It stared so much to a tablet game that turned itself into one. True story.

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650 m

A goat? A Machine? It doesn’t know because its head keeps spinning around.

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3000 m

A big step for modern technology when it comes to goat-computer interaction.

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1000 km

<<Initiate eating routine>>


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Alien Goat

0,7 m

What happens to abducted goas? Well they change colors, of course!

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Evolved Alien Goat

1,2 m

It has a power called Directed Omniscience: it knows everything… about goats.

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2 m

A very polite being. Well, indeed, my friend.

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3 m

All that red Mars surface asks for some dusting every once in a while.

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5,3 m

Although nobody really understands gum as gum on Mars, you could chew Gummybeard’s beard for hours.

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All-Bleating Eye

11 m

A bit grumpy alien goat.

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130 m

It can read your future through its bellybutton eyes.

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190 m

The dominant alien thing on Mars plains.

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310 m

Destruction to all, coast to coast.

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430 m

Its point of balance resides on the beard.

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570 m

What a weird body structure: some say corset, some say orange juicer.

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720 m

The ultimate alien predator. wait, isn’t that a movie?

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